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At Switch Homes, we believe sustainability and affordability can go together. Which is why every home we design and build meets the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home Guidelines.

What Does DOE Zero Energy Ready
Home Actually Mean?

According to the DOE Building Technologies Office (BTO), DOE ZERH homes “develop, demonstrate, and accelerate the adoption of cost-effective technologies, techniques, tools and services that enable high-performing, energy-efficient and demand-flexible residential and commercial buildings,” with the goal of providing our residents with better products, better homes, and better buildings to live, work, and play.

By ensuring all of our homes are DOE ZERH certified, Switch Homes is committing ourselves to providing sustainability to all by delivering the healthiest and most efficient homes modern technology can provide.

Affordable Housing For All

While DOE focuses its efforts on making homes more efficient, at the heart of our mission is energy and environmental justice for all. By getting certified through the federal government’s rigorous review process, joining the DOE ZERH program solidifies our commitment to bringing sustainable, affordable housing to everyone.


So What is a Zero Energy Ready Home Anyway?

Zero Energy Ready Homes (ZERH) are a high-performance home that is so energy efficient that a renewable energy system could offset most or all of the home’s annual energy use. Each home is verified by a qualified third party as part of the process.


Awesome! So Switch Homes Builds ZERHs?

Yes! By designing our homes to be ZERH certified, Switch Homes is committing itself to providing sustainability for all by delivering healthy and efficient homes. The combination of comfort, efficiency, durability and health measures ensure that our homes are affordable to buy, and affordable to live in.

We love what we do, we could talk about it all day!

  • A successful Net-Zero home, requires three key components:

    • Energy Conservation
    • Passive Solar Energy
    • Net-Zero Energy Production

Ready to achieve net zero energy in your home and lifestyle?

Explore Switch Homes’ certified ZERH house designs today.

Join Switch Homes in creating livable communities where beauty and creativity thrive!
